Funeral for a Fridge …?

ImageBig drama in the household of mine today- We have a broken fridge!

As you can imagine this has been a hot topic of conversation repeatedly (also at times loudly and heated-ly) today and I think I have finally at 11pm managed to convince my crazy husband that it is NOT funny when I accidently say every time there is chat about said fridge dilemma that it has been ‘cooling down’ , rather than the opposite and correct description of the problem, that it is actually ‘heating up’. This is particularly bruising to the ego when on the phone to the proposed appliance repair person. My brain just doesn’t seem able to process the situation enough to verbalise it in the right way. Very embarrassing!

As mentioned above I called an repair man- who will be calling with me in the morning. I was too frightened to ask how much his call out fees are. Very scary. Then will be the decision of repair / replace (if it is mine to make). Money required either way.

Anyway lessons learned in fridge freezer management at the very least – I will make sure I never have as much stock-piled within it’s chilly space ever again. Had to do frantic phone rounds yesterday morning , far too early for those without babies to be awake and get 3 separate sleepy people to take some frozen stuff off my hands before the defrost process went beyond the point of no food return. Baked treats will be in order for these helpful early elves. Necessities only from now on. Too much of a risk to take. If I hadn’t got everything to cold storage safety yesterday I would have been out of pocket approx. £60 which is crazy!

Yes- bargains are to be had on the BOGOF and similar bulk buying deals (particularly with meat) and I am determined to not miss out. I have spoken to my brother and his wife and we reckon with some planning we can reap the same benefits of bulk buying, but rather than freezing, we share the meaty (or otherwise) love!

No recipe today – All a bit too mad for forward planning/ beautiful food fotos. Today we dined on the finest of scrambled eggs and baked beans with homemade bread. Not gorgeous or exciting, but a welcome comfort in a cruel world of appliance breakdown, protein filled for energy levels, and definitely on the cheap.

Pennies will be pinched this month, whatever the outcome for our friend the fridge.

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